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Linux Audio Conference 2014
The Open Source Music and Sound Conference
May 1-4 @ ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany

Conference Schedule

Timetable Format: Plain List | Table | iCal | Printable Version
All times are CEST = UTC+2

Day 1 - Thursday, May/1 
Interfaces and Hardware
17:15 Case Study: Building an Out Of The Box Raspberry Pi Modular Synthesizer - Paper Presentation
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(45 min)  Jürgen Reuter » Location: ZKM_Media Theater
The idea is simple and obvious: Take some Raspberry Pi computing units, each as a reusable synthesizer module. Connect them via a network. Connect a notebook or PC to control and monitor them. Start playing on your virtually analog modular synthesizer.
However, is existing Linux audio software sufficiently mature to implement this vision out of the box? We investigate how far we get in building such a synthesizer, what existing software to choose, analyse what limits we hit and what features still need to be implemented to make our vision become reality.

Day 2 - Friday, May/2 
Lightning Talk
11:50 Exploiting Coloured Hearing for Research on Acoustic Perception - Lightning Talk
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(10 min)  Jürgen Reuter » Location: ZKM_Media Theater
Coloured hearing is a form of synaesthesia with co-perception of acoustic stimuli as visual effects. In contrast to acquired or induced synaesthesia, the genuine form is thought to origin very early in life and to not relevantly change over time. Therefore, finding correlations between acoustic stimuli and visual effects with genuine coloured hearing and evaluating their visual significance even on adults gives hints on which acoustic properties have been significant for an individual since early life. With this snapshot of significance taken from many individuals, we hope to better identify the border between congenital perception and perception habits created from cultural influence. Knowledge about this border is essential for composition of contemporary music, as it marks the limit where musical parameters go beyond trainable perception and thus render irrelevant as compositorial means. So far, for a preparatory case study we developed a set of sounds, tested it on a single genuine coloured hearing individual and present first results.

Day 2 - Friday, May/2 
Lounge Concert
22:00 "Random Noise" - Concert for Sound Column Four Hands - Concert
  Jürgen Reuter » Location: ZKM_Music Balcony
Two players give a concert in a competitive manner. They put and rearrange colored shapes and symbols on an advertising column that slowly rotates. The surface of the column is scanned, and a computer program renders the shapes and symbols into sound, as they move under a virtual playhead cursor that is projected onto the column.
Since the players compete in uncoordinated fashion rather than cooperate, the overall picture grows wildly. Both players are struggling to dominate the system by putting as much information as possible onto the column. As their competition finally results in big chaos, the overall informational content approaches zero, resulting in random noise.

The schedule is a major guideline. There is no guarantee events will take place at the announced timeslot.
This page was last modified: Monday, Mar 19 2018 09:28 UTC - Götz Dipper & Robin Gareus
ZKM ZTH Music CiTu/Univ Paris 8
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