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Linux Audio Conference 2014
The Open Source Music and Sound Conference
May 1-4 @ ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany

Conference Schedule

Timetable Format: Plain List | Table | iCal | Printable Version
All times are CEST = UTC+2

Day 2 - Friday, May/2 
Lightning Talk
11:30 DISTRHO Plugin Framework - Lightning Talk
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Video  Site  
(10 min)  Filipe Coelho » Location: ZKM_Media Theater
This presentation gives a brief overview and demonstration about the DISTRHO Plugin framework (DPF).
DPF is designed to make development of new plugins an easy and enjoyable task. It allows developers to create plugins with custom UIs using a simple C++ API. The framework facilitates exporting various different plugin formats (e.g. LV2 and VST) from the same code-base.

The schedule is a major guideline. There is no guarantee events will take place at the announced timeslot.
This page was last modified: Monday, Mar 19 2018 09:28 UTC - Götz Dipper & Robin Gareus
ZKM ZTH Music CiTu/Univ Paris 8
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