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Linux Audio Conference 2014
The Open Source Music and Sound Conference
May 1-4 @ ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany

Conference Schedule

Timetable Format: Plain List | Table | iCal | Printable Version
All times are CEST = UTC+2

Day 3 - Saturday, May/3 
Music Programming
14:00 Processes in real-time computer music - Paper Presentation
author image
(45 min)  Miller Puckette » Location: ZKM_Media Theater
The historical origin of currently used programming models for doing real-time computer music is examined, with an eye toward a critical re-thinking given today’s computing environment, which is much dif- ferent from what prevailed when some major design decisions were made. In particular, why are we tempted to use a process or thread model? We can provide no simple answer, despite their wide use in real-time software.

The schedule is a major guideline. There is no guarantee events will take place at the announced timeslot.
This page was last modified: Monday, Mar 19 2018 09:28 UTC - Götz Dipper & Robin Gareus
ZKM ZTH Music CiTu/Univ Paris 8
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