Conference Schedule
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All times are CEST = UTC+2
10:00 Qstuff* past, present, future and beyond - Workshop(90 min) Rui Nuno Capela » Location: ZKM_Lecture Hall
The proposed workshop is a continuation of the previous ones presented on LAC2013@IEM-Graz, as a hands-on discussion and demonstration of the most important as well the esoteric aspects of the Qtuff* software suite. Mainly focused in the Qtractor audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer project, attending developers, composers and users in general are invited to expose and discuss their concerns on how the Qstuff* suite of audio/MIDI applications and Qtractor in particular may apply, evolve and improve to fit each one's purposes better.
The schedule is a major guideline. There is no guarantee events will take place at the announced timeslot.