LAC 2014: Video: "Field Report on the OpenAV Release System" by Harry van Haaren
Linux Audio Conference 2014
Field Report on the OpenAV Release System
Harry van Haaren
 360p  720p 

This paper discusses the OpenAV release system, a new release system with at its core a balance between release date and financial support. The release system works by creating the software, announcing it, and releasing after a waiting time. If money is donated to the project, the waiting time is reduced, which in turn results in an accelerated release.
This paper details the process of the OpenAV release system, discusses it in relation to other release systems. Finally the author draws on the experience gained by OpenAV Productions.

The video is licensed in terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Attribute to All copyright(s) remain with the author/speaker/presenter.