Linux Audio Conference 2012
The Open Source Music and Sound Conference
April 12-15 @ CCRMA, Stanford University, CA, USA

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Julius Smith

Julius Smith


CCRMA, Stanford University



  • Show [all] in program.
  • An Introduction to the Synth-A-Modeler Compiler: For Modular and Open-Source Sound Synthesis using Physical Models
    » Paper Presentation » day:2 » 2:45
    » Location: Campbell Recital Hall
  • FaustPad : A free open-source mobile app for multi-touch interaction with Faust generated modules
    » Paper Presentation » day:2 » 5:15
    » Location: Campbell Recital Hall
  • Signal Processing Libraries for FAUST
    » Paper Presentation » day:3 » 3:45
    » Location: CEMEX

For the past three decades Julius O. Smith III has been with the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA), and is formally a professor of music and associate professor (by courtesy) of electrical engineering at Stanford University. He received the BS/EE degree from Rice University (Control, Circuits, and Communication) in 1975, and the PhD degree in EE from Stanford University (Information Systems Lab) in 1983. He worked in the Signal Processing Department at ESL, Inc., on systems for digital communications, in the Adaptive Systems Department at Systems Control Technology, Inc., on problems in adaptive filtering and spectral estimation, and at NeXT Computer, Inc., where he was responsible for sound, music, and signal processing software for the NeXT computer workstation. Smith's teaching and research pertain to music and audio applications of signal processing. He is a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America and the Audio Engineering Society, and a member of the IEEE since 1976. He is the author of four online books and numerous research publications devoted to music and audio applications of signal processing.

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