LAC 2014: Video: "From Faust to Web Audio: Compiling Faust to JavaScript using Emscripten" by Myles Borins
Linux Audio Conference 2014
From Faust to Web Audio: Compiling Faust to JavaScript using Emscripten
Myles Borins
 360p  720p 

The Web Audio API is a platform for doing audio synthesis in the browser. Currently it has a number of natively compiled audio nodes capable of doing advanced synthesis. One of the available nodes the "JavaScriptNode" allows individuals to create their own custom unit generators in pure JavaScript. The Faust project, developed at Grame CNCM, consists of both a language and a compiler and allows individuals to deploy a signal processor to various languages and platforms. This paper examines a technology stack that allows for Faust to be compiled to highly optimized JavaScript unit generators that synthesize sound using the Web Audio API.

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