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Linux Audio Conference 2014
The Open Source Music and Sound Conference
May 1-4 @ ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany
Bart Brouns

Bart Brouns


studio magnetophon



  • Show [all] in program.
  • A realtime synthesizer controlled by singing and beatboxing
    » Workshop - day:2 - 14:00
    » Location: ZKM_Lecture Hall
  • The WOP Machine
    » Concert - day:3 - 22:00

I've always been fascinated by the overlap between music and technology.
Started building speakers at age 12, got very obsessed by the Nord MicroModular when it came out and
worked as a software engineer for a tiny company that designs digital audio hardware.
I switched to linux when Agnula was released, and am currently in love with pure data and faust.
I work as a free-lance audio engineer, and run a recording studio (based on linux),, where I've recorded many bands and solo artists, including one of my musical
heroes: Trevor Dunn, the bass player of Mr. Bungle. I've also mixed a song with Manu Chao there.
The studio was featured in Sound On Sound magazine.
In my free time I make my own music that can be found at
I recently made the demo song for Radium. As well as some algorithmic film-music/latin and other
algorithmic music.


ZKM ZTH Music CiTu/Univ Paris 8
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