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Linux Audio Conference 2014
The Open Source Music and Sound Conference
May 1-4 @ ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany
Jörn Nettingsmeier

Jörn Nettingsmeier


Freelance Audio Engineer



  • Show [all] in program.
  • Keynote
    » (misc event) - day:1 - 10:30
    » Location: ZKM_Media Theater
  • Groovin' high: Remixing music in full-sphere surround
    » Workshop - day:2 - 10:00
    » Location: ZKM_Cube

Born 1975, studied music and computer science, been working as a freelance stage technician and sound/recording engineer for 20 years. My main area of interest is surround sound, mostly Ambisonics. When I don't mix bands or make recordings and sound designs, I do some consultancy work for theatres and studios, design and build technical infrastructure, or work as an executive producer or project tech supervisor.

My philosophy is to share my knowledge as best as possible, because I learnt most of what I know from people who shared theirs. I do not think bullshitting people is a valid business model, and that's one reason why I love free software, in addition to the fact that it covers all of my computing needs.


ZKM ZTH Music CiTu/Univ Paris 8
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