Yan Michalevsky
Stanford University
- Show [all] in program.
- Extending the Faust VST Architecture with Polyphony, Portamento and Pitch Bend
» Poster Presentation - day:3 - 11:30
» Location: ZKM_Foyer - Locum Meum
» Concert - day:3 - 22:00
Yan Michalevsky is a PhD student in the Stanford University Electrical Engineering Department.
He holds a BS/EE from the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
(specializing in signal processing and electro-optics).
His working experience includes real-time embedded software development for
communications, management of a security research and development team,
and consulting in the areas of communications and real-time embedded systems.
He is interested in application of academic and open-source tools to
electronic music composition, programming languages,
and general signal processing. For further information, see