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Linux Audio Conference 2014
The Open Source Music and Sound Conference
May 1-4 @ ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany
Baptiste Caramiaux

Baptiste Caramiaux


Goldsmiths, University of London



Researcher, Baptiste Caramiaux is currently working at Goldsmiths, University of London. His work focuses on Human Motion, Interaction Design, Sound, Perception and Computational Systems.

He received a PhD in acoustic, signal processing and computer science applied to music from University Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), in December 2011. He completed his PhD at IRCAM – Centre Pompidou, in Paris, France. His research at IRCAM examined the relationships between Gesture and Sound in Musical Performance. Before joining IRCAM, he was trained in applied mathematics (Grenoble and Barcelona) and music.

Since July 2012, he is working in the EAVI group, at Goldsmiths, London. His current research interests focus on the scientific study of expressive interaction between body movements and digital media. More precisely, he proposes the use of Machine Learning techniques for designing new interactions, involving multimodal inputs (biosensors, movement sensors, sound…). In parallel, he aims at deploying these techniques ecologically using user-centered design, participatory sessions and exhibition.


ZKM ZTH Music CiTu/Univ Paris 8
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